
Long war console commands
Long war console commands

On the second turn, a 12-turn countdown which cannot be increased by any method will be initiated, so it is imperative to push forward steadily yet cautiously. Overview To complete the mission, XCOM will have to either disable (interact with) or blow up a stasis tank control console. The map extends the full length of the ship, with room to advance outdoors along the sides and move behind the ship. The ship's loading bay is directly ahead, a short distance away. The squad begins in snow-covered terrain surrounded by debris and a few vehicles. Mission Site This mission takes place on a unique landed Abductor ship map. Secure the captives as quickly as possible. The aliens are holding Annette's fellow abductees on their ship and will not easily let them go. – Council Transmission, XCOM: Enemy Within If each of these abductees harbors the same potential that Annette has demonstrated, it is imperative we do not allow the aliens to keep them captive.

long war console commands long war console commands

The intelligence provided by Annette indicates the aliens are attempting to transfer at least three other captives in a remote area near the Alps. It is initiated by a Council transmission received at the Situation Room: Furies is available the month following Deluge if Operation Progeny was enabled in the Advanced Options when beginning the game.

Long war console commands